This past Saturday marked the half way point of our pregnancy! I am now 20 weeks along. Seems like it is all going by far! ;)
Friday, Feb. 21st, we had our Level 2 ultra sound of the baby. This is the ultra sound where they measure all of the organs and body parts, see if everything is developing properly, and then check to make sure all is working or functioning (ex: the heart, kidneys, blood flow to the umbilical cord, etc). We were happy to find out all is looking great for our lil' peanut! Such a relief to hear and gave us such a sense of peace.
Our lil' Mr. or Miss was such a busy body during the ultrasound! The ultrasound tech commented several times that this little one is a tricky one to measure since he/she doesn't want to sit still. By the end of the ultrasound I guess the lil' peanut had moved into so many different positions in my uterus. Remind you of any body?? I think this little one wants to be just like his/her big brother and be a Wiggles Jr. :)
The baby is measuring about a week ahead as of right now and is in the 61st % tile for size. We again got to listen to the heartbeat which was at 152 bpm.
Baby's side profile
Baby's feet - the right and left foot are side by side. The feet were measuring around 1 inch. So tiny!
We still was hard but fun not finding out the gender at this appointment. The ultrasound tech was really good about not giving anything away and had us turn our heads when she was measuring/checking the lower areas of the baby. So far Kevin and I are split on our guesses. He is thinking boy and I am thinking girl as of right now.
(I made Kevin take a re-do photo session because he cut off my belly in some of the other pictures and also keep putting his finger over the flash creating a black shadow.)
At the ultrasound they also took a look at my cervix. Happy to report that at this point it is still measuring nice and long (4ish cm). Phew! Relieved again to hear that! Per the doctors' advice, I have been trying to take it easy during the day, rest and sit when I can, and to not lift the twins too often. They will measure my cervix again in two weeks at 22 weeks along.
I have been feeling great! I have a great appetite and feel like I am constantly hungry. Some of my favorites are: Cheerios, peanut butter and jelly toast, bagels and cream cheese, Mexican food, grapefruit, Pad Thai, orange Hi-C, and apples dipped in yogurt or peanut butter. I still feel tried in the evenings, but have been staying up way past my bedtime to watch the Olympics and wait for Kevin to come home.
I have been feeling the baby move around a lot! I feel the most movement on my right side which makes sense because the ultrasound tech said that's where the baby's little feet and legs are. Baby #3 tends to do a lot of moving in the morning and at night while I'm lounging on the couch. This weekend Kevin was actually able to feel a few of it's tiny movements! Can't wait for more of those moments for Daddy!
Baby #3, you have a silly brother!