Thursday, September 27, 2012

happy 19 months & 18 month stats

Today the twins turn 19 months.  Here are the things that have been happening here last month at 18 months old.
Katherine Ilene:
* 18 month stats-
height: 32 3/4 inches - 80th %tile
weight: 27 pounds 7 oz - 85 %tile
* You've FINALLY started a few weeks ago calling us Dada and Mama! You started saying Dada first for over a week before calling me Mama. And of course you know your brother's name is Matthew and have been saying his name this past month.  You say his name very well!
* You can name all of the main characters on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  You like to sing along to the beginning theme song and will also say each characters name as the characters do the role call portion.
* You have been a chatterbox this month.  We are amazed by how much you've been soaking in of what we say.  We find you remembering so many of the things we have told you by repeating names of things and songs. 
* Your top three favorite words this month were "No" (sometimes followed by "No Matthew"), "Hi", and "Cheetos".  Some of your new words are: gonna get you, Out You Go!, please, Happy Birthday, thank you, hot dog, outside, all done, oh wow, oh yes, oh no, open, nose, bye, counts some of 1 to 10, noodles, blocks, cow, fries and much more.
* This month your favorite foods were Cheetos, grapes, applesauce, pudding, Greek yogurt, and mac n' cheese.
* You are getting the hang of using a spoon but still will use your hands half way through eating.
* You love to be tickled by daddy on your belly and will now say, "Gonna get you", just like daddy says to you before tickling you.
* This month you started your music class, toddler incredible years class, and attend library story time at our local library each week.  The first couple of classes you have been very shy and seem scared to leave my side, but you're starting to venture around the room yourself.
* You love taking baths and don't mind if we dump the water over your head and face.
* You are still musical and will start singing by yourself a songs we sing to you.  You can usually tell which song you're singing. Your favorite ones to sing are Row, Row, Row your Boat, ABC's, and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
* When we ask you to point to your nose you point to your mouth....every time.
* You love to pretend you're talking on the phone.
Matthew Edward:
18 Month Stats -
Height: 32 and 1/4 inches - 50th %tile
Weight: 23 pounds 8 oz - 5th %tile
* You continue to be Mommy's lil' snuggler, especially in the morning.
* You have been a non-stop-teether!  Mr. Drool Bucket with a constant wet shirt neck!  Your top eye teeth came in this month.
* You must use a utensil when you eat...or so you think. :)
* You've started helping us get you in and out of your car seat by trying to help us with the seat buckle.  We moved your car seat forward facing.
* This month you started your music class, toddler incredible years class, and attend library story time at our local library each week. When we first get to class you're a bit timid, but once you see the toys, you're off and playing!
* You're favorite foods this month have been pudding, Greek yogurt, waffles, mac n' cheese, ham chunks, chips and dip, and cheese.
* You love animals especially dogs.
* You like to play in Kate's crib.
* You can crawl into the tub and turn on the faucet by yourself.
* When we say the word bath you grab a cup or bowl and dart for the bathroom door. Mommy and Daddy have to now spell out B-A-T-H to each other when we are talking otherwise when you hear the word and you think you're getting a bath.  (Avoiding a break down from happening.)
* You love it when we bury you in pillows and play the "Where is Matt?" game.
* You've been starting to show some early signs of the 'Terrible Twos' and will have mini break downs when you get frustrated and upset.
* You love getting into the pantry and taking the canned goods out.  You'll either place them all over the kitchen floor or reorganize them in the pantry for me.  So helpful!?
* You love to sit on the bench at the kitchen table and eat off a plate like a big kid.
* You do like to take toys away from Kate, but on the other hand you're great at sharing food with her and making sure she has her monkey blanket and sippy cup.

* You are close to opening doors.  You like to swing the door open and close.
* You can now just barely reach the water spout on the outside of the fridge.  Needless to say our kitchen floors and little boy are found all wet a lot.
Pictures! Attempted some family ones.
{Taken by our friend Kelly Kopp for fun when they were over hanging out - Thanks Kel!}

Great Aunt Mary was up visiting over Labor Day weekend and hung out with our she got to be in the photos, too!

Happy 19 Months Kate and Matt!

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