Tuesday, January 4, 2011

26 weeks!

Yesterday we celebrated another Monday!  We are now 26 weeks along.  We are so happy to have hit this milestone.  Now only two more weeks until 28 weeks!!!!  I just have to keep telling myself that's not far away at all. 

Every night after supper we cross a day off of our calendar and take a link off of our count down chain.  It's a great visual for me to try and make goals to keep me positive. 

Now we are into January and I can't even tell you how awesome it was for me to see some days crossed off.  The month of January looked so long I needed to start seeing some of the days gone. 

Kevin's sister Jenny and our friend Lindsay made this paper link for us.  Each link has a new day wrote on it.  Tonight I (actually the nurses) will get to remove the 26 and 1 day link!  It's always a great feeling seeing one more taken off.

Yesterday I had my ultrasound to check the length of my cervix.  Before the appointment I felt very anxious.  I was curious to know what it was now, but I also felt scared to hear the news if it wasn't what we wanted to hear.  Kevin and I were both happy with the results.  My cervix had shortened just a tiny amount but according to the doctors it pretty much stayed the same overall.  The doctor decided to have me stay here for another two weeks since the babies at this point are still very little.  So on January 17th, when I am 28 weeks along, I will have another ultrasound.  Kevin and I were happy with the decision.  We feel this is the best place for us to be right now while the babies are small.  Plus, this way I get to chat with the nurses and have meals brought to me.  Much easier than if I were to go home since Kevin wouldn't be home during the day. 

Kevin went back to work today, so it's my first all by myself during the day.  It definitely has been different.  I am trying to keep myself busy but you can only watch so much daytime T.V. or do different things while laying on your side. 

Thanks for all of your prayers, e-mails, and cards!  The words of encouragement help a lot.  We ask for your continued prayers for things to keep going smoothly so we can make it to our next milestone - 28 weeks!  The babies look good to the doctors and nurses on the monitors and they really move move around a lot.  I praise God that our precious babies look healthy.  I just need to keep incubating here and relying on Him!


  1. praying for you and your little ones :) try suduko puzzles, they are amazing!

  2. Call me if you're bored...or text me the phone number to your room and we can chat! :) Love you!
