Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3rd Dufel Reunion - 2012

Three years ago, my Dad's side of the family decided a great way to keep in touch would be to have a Dufel Reunion in the summers.  My cousin Jordan and his wife Tonya and myself decided this year we would plan the festivities.  We decided to keep the reunion located locally here in Dike at the City Park and community pool. 

Saturday, July 7th:
We started the morning off at the park with a kickball game followed by a few more games - water balloon toss and relay race.  For lunch we grilled and had a potluck with yummy items to share.  After lunch, we will all very hot!  Got to love this crazy, hot summer we are having!  But it was a perfect day for a swim.  We all headed to the Dike pool and had a great time swimming and trying to cool off.

That evening we went to the pizza place in Reinbeck and then ended the night at a bonfire at the Dike campsite. 

Sunday, July 8th:
Sunday morning we had a potluck breakfast at my parent's house. Most of us were pretty tired from the day before so we just enjoyed conversation with each other and lounging around.
Our reunion was a lot of fun! Always a great time to see my extended family since we don't get to see them often as we would like.

And a big THANKS to my in-laws for helping watch the twins on Saturday during their nap time and while we went to the bonfire that evening. Your help was appreciated!!!

My dad and Katers

kickball game!

Our Niece Allie

Our nephews - Andrew and Kaleb

Kate loved the swings, Matthew wasn't a big fan as you can tell he was wanting out.

Weeee! Kater loves to swing!

Our 'major hunk'

But Matthew does love the slides!

Cousins - myself and Jordan

My sister swinging with all of her friends.

My brother Michael and sister-in-law Melissa playing with Kate.

Swinging buddies!  Kelly, Tonya, and my dad.

My cousin Jordan and his daughter Brooklyn

Water balloon toss

Who knows? :)

My aunt Sharon and her grand-daughter Noel (6 months old)

Chow time.

Sunday breakfast

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to the reunion.  We hope you had just as good of time as we did!

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