Yesterday, Kevin and I took the twins to the pediatrician for their 1 year check-up. Here's a quick up date on their stats at (almost) one year.
Height: 30.5 inches / 90th %tile
Weight: 23 lbs 5 oz / 75th %tile
Head: 18.5 inches / 93rd %tile
Height: 29.5 inches / 40th %tile
Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz / 7th %tile
Head: 18 1/4 inches / 30th %tile
The check-up was great! Both kiddos are developing right on track. Our little Matthew is a small fry weighing in in the 7th percentile! Miss Katers is growing great, as you can tell from her stats, and is a showing to be a tall girl. I was thinking she must be longer because her pants will fit her in the waist but then end up being too short in length. The one year check-up as a rough one for the kiddos. Each got 4 shots and finger prick for blood work. I was especially thankful at this time to have Kevin there with me so we could each help comfort a kid. It took both of them a little longer than it has in the past to calm down after the shots. I guess that comes with being older and more aware. Matthew "tough guy" Willms was Mr. Brave while getting his blood drawn. He didn't cry at all! He just sat in dad's lap watching and observing what the lab tec was doing...not moving a muscle. Both kids earned a sticker from the lab tec!
Here are a few pictures of what's happening around here lately.
Playing together with their Elefun they got from Christmas.
Hi Katers!
Just readin' about colors. Their favorite books are the ones about colors!
Our lil' puppy dog, Matty. This past month, Matthew's becoming attached to this blanket. When we go and pick him up from her crib in the morning or after naps he reaches for his blanket once he sees us so it's in hand before he gets picked up. Daddy and I think it's super cute!
Hanging out on my step talking on my cell phone.
So our little man is now constantly trying to sit in every drawer or bin he can. Just yesterday he started to climb in his toy bin in the living room. He'll just sit in there and play with the toys or he'll climb in and climb out over and over again.
Check out my new spot!
Just lounging.
Miss Kate and monkey blanket.
Daddy and I are looking forward to celebrating your very 1st birthday with you this weekend at your party!
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