Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Kate & Matt!

Happy 1st Birthday to our sweet baby girl, Katherine Ilene and busy, curious little boy, Matthew Edward!  We love you more than words can ever express.  We can't imagine life without the two of you!  Memories of the day you were born will be ones we'll always treasure and never forget.  Welcoming you two into the world was an amazing miracle and blessing. We thank God for choosing us to be your parents; we are truly the lucky ones to be blessed with you. 

I wish I could bottle up all of the moments from this past year to go back to them whenever I wanted. (this should be possible, right?!)  But I do look so forward to the next stages and years ahead.  Here is a list of my top 5 favorites for each Katherine and Matthew.

1. You're an awesome snuggler! I love how you just like to sit and hang out on our laps or sleep with your head on our chests.
2. Your BIG, wide, contagious smile.
3. How you kick your legs when you get excited.
4. Your belly laughs and sweet, little girl voice.
5. How you play peek-a-boo with your monkey blanket.  You laugh and giggle at yourself.

1. How busy you are.  You never stop moving and love to climb on and in to anything you can!
2. You are Mr. Curiosity and are constantly scoping out the room around you figuring out what's what and all that you can get into.
3. You're dimples.  And that adorable little smile with your two top teeth.
4. Your wrist waves and babbles for "hi" and "bye".
5. How stubborn you can be.  You definitely know what you want and get frustrated when you can't do it.

You bring so much joy into our lives and into your families'.  We hope you have a wonderful, special first birthday!

Here are just a few pictures from the twins' 1st birthday party on Saturday.  I'll post more soon when I blog just about their birthday party.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Matthew loves his mom, dad, sister, and....his ladle.  This has become a new favorite toy of his.  You'll find him playing or crawling around the house with ladle in hand.  In fact, Matthew took his ladle and blanket to bed with him the other night. 

Got to keep a hold of it while I play with other toys

It serves as a great chew toy.

Or a telephone ;)


It's also a great way to push books over to you.  The toy for the lazy man.

And a great toy for pestering your sister.

You make us laugh Matthew Edward!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

1 Year Stats!

Yesterday, Kevin and I took the twins to the pediatrician for their 1 year check-up.  Here's a quick up date on their stats at (almost) one year.

Height: 30.5 inches / 90th %tile
Weight: 23 lbs 5 oz / 75th %tile
Head: 18.5 inches / 93rd %tile

Height: 29.5 inches / 40th %tile
Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz / 7th %tile
Head: 18 1/4 inches / 30th %tile

The check-up was great!  Both kiddos are developing right on track.  Our little Matthew is a small fry weighing in in the 7th percentile!  Miss Katers is growing great, as you can tell from her stats, and is a showing to be a tall girl.  I was thinking she must be longer because her pants will fit her in the waist but then end up being too short in length.  The one year check-up as a rough one for the kiddos.  Each got 4 shots and finger prick for blood work.  I was especially thankful at this time to have Kevin there with me so we could each help comfort a kid.  It took both of them a little longer than it has in the past to calm down after the shots.  I guess that comes with being older and more aware.  Matthew "tough guy" Willms was Mr. Brave while getting his blood drawn.  He didn't cry at all!  He just sat in dad's lap watching and observing what the lab tec was doing...not moving a muscle.  Both kids earned a sticker from the lab tec!

Here are a few pictures of what's happening around here lately.

Playing together with their Elefun they got from Christmas.

Hi Katers!

Just readin' about colors.  Their favorite books are the ones about colors!

Our lil' puppy dog, Matty.  This past month, Matthew's becoming attached to this blanket.  When we go and pick him up from her crib in the morning or after naps he reaches for his blanket once he sees us so it's in hand before he gets picked up.  Daddy and I think it's super cute!

Hanging out on my step talking on my cell phone.

So our little man is now constantly trying to sit in every drawer or bin he can.  Just yesterday he started to climb in his toy bin in the living room.  He'll just sit in there and play with the toys or he'll climb in and climb out over and over again.

Check out my new spot!

Just lounging.

Miss Kate and monkey blanket.

Daddy and I are looking forward to celebrating your very 1st birthday with you this weekend at your party!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sneak Peek & Weekend Visitors

In one week from today, the twins turn ONE year old!!!  We are having their birthday party with both of our families' this coming Saturday, Feb. 25th.  I am so excited for their big bash and can't wait to celebrate their special day with our families.  Here's a little sneak peak of the decorations I've been busy making for their "special birthday theme."  Making decorations has given me a chance again to use my 'creativity skills' that have been in hibernation this past, crazy year while staying at home with my babies.

That's all I'm showing for now.

These past two weeks we have had Kevin's family members visit the four of us.  Two weekends ago, Grandma and Grandpa Willms came to stay with us and to also babysit the twins.  Friday, Feb. 10th, Kevin and I went to a MN Timberwolves game with our friends, Scott and Rachel.  This was a great date night (and our early Valentine's Day date) and a fun opportunity for Grandma and Grandpa to babysit.

Kevin, Scott, Rachel, and myself at the game....Go Ricky Rubio!

Saturday, Feb. 11th, was Grandpa Larry's birthday!  We all were extra nice to him on his special day.  In the morning, Joyce and I cooked his favorite breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast.  In the afternoon we did some shopping at one of Grandpa's favorite outdoor stores where he bought himself a new fishing pole.  (Perfect toy for Matt and Kate to get their paws on when fishing with Grandpa!) ;)  We treated Grandpa to lunch at Red Lobster, another one of his favorites, and the twins were great troopers for the lunch and shopping!  I also was able to go shopping for a double stroller which was my Christmas present from Kevin.  

My new double stroller.  The twins were trying it out for the first time in the house.  I'm in love with the new stroller and can't wait to use it more on walks in the spring.  This was a much needed purchase for a mommy of twins!  Thank you Kevin!

That night we orded pizza for supper and celebrated with an apple pie and a game night of Trivial Pursuit which Joyce and I ,okay we wish... Larry and Kevin won.  But we put up a GREAT fight!

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Larry!  We love you and enjoyed being able to celebrate with you on your special day!

Matthew and Kate also got to open Valentine's Day gifts from Grandma and Grandpa.  They got two board puzzles and spring jackets.  They love this puzzle.  Both enjoy putting the pieces in their mouth and Matthew loves to carry a puzzle piece with him while he's crawling around the house.

Working on her puzzle with Grandma.

Mommy and Katers

Love this picture with Grandma and the twins!  They loved spending the weekend with their grandparents!

This past weekend, Kevin's grandma Ilene and his two aunts, Jan and Mary, came to visit.  It was great to have them up at our house to stay.  Both kids are a lot more active from the last time they saw them, so his family enjoyed seeing all of the kids' new tricks and how much more they interact with each other. 

Here's one of Matthew's new tricks he just learned this weekend...

Stinker!  We let him play in this drawer calling it 'their drawer' which has all of their sippy cups and bowls.  Matt can be entertained for a long period of time just taking things in and out of this drawer.  We were surprised this weekend when Aunt Jan came from the kitchen to tell us Matthew is in the drawer.  "Yup," I said.  "He can play in that drawer."  She replied, "No, he's IN the drawer!"  We all ran to check it out and of course I had to quick take a picture before getting him out.  This little man is going to keep us sooo busy!

Saturday us ladies went shopping.  We decided to take the twins so I could use my double stroller for the first time.  (Sorry to mention the stoller again, but it was wonderful to take shopping.)  Matthew and Katherine got an early birthday gift from Great Grandma and their Great Aunts while we were shopping.  A pair of new shoes perfect for beginner walkers.  They are adorable shoes and will work great for them as they are learning to walk.  The twins will sport their new kicks at their birthday party.

Grandma Ilene and her twin great-grandchildren

Great Grandma and Matty

The gang: Great Aunt Mary, Kate, Great Grandma Ilene, Matthew, and Great Aunt Jan

Thanks ladies for coming to visit us.  We had an awesome weekend with you and the twins enjoyed all of the extra attention and playing around. Come back again soon!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

(Love that Matthew's hand is on Kate's leg. Such a sweet guy.)

Yay for Valentine's Day!  I think they like the holiday!

Bee Mine

Mr. Heartbreaker!  Girls watch he comes!

Mommy and Daddy love you to pieces!

Leave your paws off of my headbow, brother!

Matthew's more concerned in climbing up the chair than looking at the camera.

Love, Kate and Matt