Now onto the Christmas photo shoot!
Kate's lovin' posing for the camera.
Love this one.
They love to feel the Christmas tree.
Katherine Ilene:
Weight: don't know
Height: don't know
Diaper Size: Size 3's daytime diapers and size 4's nighttime diapers
Clothing Size: 6-9 months, 9 months and mostly 12 months
Sleeping: You are still sleeping 12 to 13 hours each night. Lately, you have been waking up a couple of times in the middle of the night, but it doesn't take you long to fall back asleep. We aren't sure if you're waking up from a bad dream or teething issues. Your nighttime routine is to eat a bottle between 7:00-7:30, get your diaper changed, pajamas on, and then put down in your crib. You must have your pink monkey blanket when you sleep. When we put you in your crib you love to play peek-a-boo by covering your face with your monkey blanket. We can hear you play around in your crib for awhile before falling asleep. This month you have wanted to stay up and be a night owl with daddy. We think you haven't been able to fall asleep as fast as you normally have done in the past because you're working very hard on trying to crawl. When we go back and check on you we will find you in the crawling position trying to rock your body forwards. You think it's great fun and screech out with glee loudly. Some nights we had to put you in the pack-in-play in our bedroom so Matthew could fall asleep.
During the day, you on average take 2 naps lasting from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. You usually nap around 10ish and then again around 2. You have been napping in the pack-in-play in our room. We still like having you separated for naps to help you both get your best sleep since you might not always been on the same napping schedule. You're new favorite position to sleep is your tummy. You like to use your monkey blanket as a pillow. You still love to sleep on your left side, too.
Eating: You are drinking 4 bottles a day ranging from 6 to 7 oz. You have your first bottle when you wake up around 8:00, noon, 4:00, and then before you go to bed around 7:00. This month the doctor said to start feeding you baby food 3 times a day. You eat baby food an hour after your morning bottle, then again after your noon bottle, and then around suppertime. New foods you have tried this month are avocados, cheese chunks, toast, noodles (mac-n-cheese), crackers, lunch meats, cake, Great Grandma's ice cream dessert, Cheerios, and lots of other table foods. You love Cheerios and are great at picking up small pieces of food on your own and feeding yourself. It's a great way to keep you busy. You still aren't sure about thicker-textured foods and sweets (ice cream and cake). You are getting better at drinking from the sippy cup. You like the apple juice you tried this month.
Dislikes: You really don't like it when people leave a room you are sitting in. You are constantly wanting to be held. You don't like it when we wipe off your face after you eat. The one food I don't think you care for is peas. You still get very anxious when you see us making your bottle. You want to eat right now when you spot the bottle.
Favorite Activities: Does being held count as an activity? ;) You still love to go in your jumper or exersaucer. If you aren't jumping in your Jumperoo then you're probably jumping in someone's lap. You love it when people play peek-a-boo and patty cake with you. You like to sit and drink your bottle in your bouncy chair. You bounce away laughing as you drink. Playing with the Star Stacker toy - you can take the stars off all by yourself. You love looking at books and turning the pages.
Nicknames: Kate, Katers, Tater, Katester, Hamball, Punkin' Head, Kater Tot
Talking: You are babbling non-stop making so many new sounds. It sounds like you say da-da a lot and now a sound like ma-ma. Nothing official. You still love to buzz your lips together - especially when you get upset. We love it when you get excited and you make a shout of for glee followed by a big, open-mouthed smile.
New Adventures: Daddy's work function party at Pinstripes, your first Christmas at many different relatives' houses, Christmas Eve church service at Fredsville, Daddy's birthday dinner with family, Christmas shopping with mommy at many malls, riding in your stroller without the car seats, having daddy watch you and Matthew for the day while I had a mommy outing with Amanda, and taking a bath in the big tub.
Teeth: You are starting to get in your right, front bottom tooth.
New Skills: You have been rolling onto your tummy a lot more than usual. You now can roll out of your bouncy seat and onto the floor. You've been moving around in circles/side-to-side on your tummy to get to toys around the room. You also just started log rolling as your means of transportation. You have been trying very hard at crawling. You went from rocking on all fours to doing your own version of an army crawl. You can move too far doing your modified army crawl, but you're able to get to the toy or place you were trying to go. You're great at standing but do need some help moving around and when you need to sit down. You can open and close books and take objects out of a container. You like to get back at your bother by stealing his paci away after he takes yours.
Awww....such a cute little man.
Not sure why both Matty and Katers had to hang on to the rail for most of the pictures.
Look at my top, front tooth!
Toothy grin.
This is one of Matthew's normal expressions. This is his buzz lips face.
Matthew Edward:
Weight: don't know
Height: don't know
Diaper Size: Size 3's
Clothing Size: 6 months, 6-9 months, and 9 months
Sleeping: You are a great independent sleeper! Much better than the previous months before doing the "cry it out method". You are usually sleeping 12 hours a night with only waking up once in the night. When you get put down to sleep you love to have your instrumental rain forest CD playing and be wrapped in a soft, fluffy blanket. Your favorite position, and I think it's mainly your usual spot, is on your tummy. You are never in the same spot we lay you down in your crib. Your nighttime routine is to eat a bottle between 7:00-7:30, get your diaper changed, pajamas on, and then put down in your crib after snuggling with you for a few minutes. That's one of my favorite times in the day! You have no problems with putting yourself to sleep and occasionally have awoken from your nap and quietly put yourself back to sleep for a little longer. You have been taking on average 3 naps a day around 10, 1:00, and 5:00. I am thinking soon you will move to 2 naps and not need the last nap around 5:00. You're naps are usually around an hour to 1 1/2 hours. So much better than those short 20 minute naps you were doing two months ago! We're so proud of you for being an awesome sleeper!
Eating: You are eating 4 times a day, but you haven't been drinking as much of your bottle as before. You will take anywhere from 5 to 7 oz each bottle. You end up finishing your bottle on the move while your playing around because you're too interested in what's happening around you then trying to eat. After your 9 month check-up, the doctor said to start feeding you baby food or table foods 3 times a day. You eat baby food an hour after your morning bottle, then again an hour after your noon bottle, and then around suppertime. New foods you have tried this month are avocados, cheese chunks, toast, noodles (mac-n-cheese), crackers, lunch meats, cake, Great Grandma's ice cream dessert, Cheerios, and lots of other table foods. You love Cheerios and are great at picking up small pieces of food on your own and feeding yourself. It's a great way to keep you busy. You also love fresh bananas! You seem to love all foods except for peas. You are still wanting to "do things yourself" by insisting on holding the spoon to try and feed yourself. You get very upset when we try and take the spoon away from you. Letting you explore the idea of feeding yourself is very messy and hard for mommy and daddy to handle, but we are working on accepting the mess. You still love your mesh food feeder and the teething biscuits.
Dislikes: Your #1 dislike is still getting your diaper changed. #2 is getting dressed. You hate having to sit still to get clothes on or buttons snapped on your sleepers. On occasion you can get a bit feisty if you can't do something on the first try. You are still a happy kiddo who loves pretty much everything - especially if it involves people and playing/horsing around.
Favorite Activity: You still love to crawl anywhere you can (tight spaces included) and walk along furniture. You seem to enjoy crawling under furniture and playing in the bottom of the exersaucer. Your favorite toys are ones that have compartments you can open and close and pages you can turn. You enjoy standing at your activity table and exploring all of the doors, buttons, knobs, etc that it has. You are still a little paci and toy thief with Kate. If she has it, you want it, and you're get it. This month you've enjoy rolling and chasing after your Elmo ball all over the kitchen. You also like to be a helper in the kitchen and tag along grabbing at our legs, cub boards, or trying to crawl into the dishwasher.
Nicknames: Matt, Matty, Fatso-Mattso, Wiggles, Wiggs, Fast Eddie, Bro, Matt Man
Talking: You babble more than ever now. You are putting sounds together that sound like a sentence. You are making lots of new noises with your lips and tongue and a new face where you scrunch your nose up and grunt. You like to talk with us like we are having a conversation. We believe you enjoy music. While listening and singing along to Christmas music you would bounce (dance) and babble like you were singing along with us. You aren't saying any official words yet, but some of the sounds you say are close to words.
Teeth: This past month (9 months old) you got your top, right front tooth. Your left, front tooth is starting to come in now. Teeth to date: two front bottom teeth and right front top tooth.
New Adventures: Daddy's work function party at Pinstrips, your first Christmas at many different relatives' houses, Christmas Eve church service at Fredsville, Daddy's birthday dinner with family, Christmas shopping with mommy at many malls, riding in your stroller without the car seats, having daddy watch you and Kate for the day while I had a mommy outing with Amanda, and taking a bath in the big tub.
New Skills: You are a pro at getting up and down from the standing position. You are walking around furniture all of the time. You can even grab onto one piece of furniture to another piece of furniture. We had to start putting away items on shelves at your level. You are opening and closing drawers a lot more. You can put objects into a container and take them out. Now that you are mobile you are great at keeping yourself entertained.
We're 10 Months and Loving It!
hugs? :)
Smiling at Daddy!
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