Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Family Photo

We thought we would share our first family photo, with the babies about 5 minutes old.  Mom is holding Katherine Ilene, and Dad is holding Matthew Edward.

Both babies are still in the NICU but are doing really well.

We will post more pictures eventually... this really isn't Dad's thing.


  1. Dear Laura, Kevin, Katherine, & Matthew ~
    We're thrilled for you. Such a beautiful moment to live with forever...the births of your baby girl & baby boy! Everyone's many prayers, God has answered, with His blessing of grace & love in these precious gifts of Katie & Matt brought forth to you... man & woman, husband & wife, and now father & mother!
    You remain in our thoughts & prayers.
    All our love ~
    Jan & Bill

  2. Ummm...did you really just give birth 5 minutes before this photo?! You look great Mama! :)

  3. Congratulations, Wishing all of you the best! Praying for your continued strength with all that is to come. Oh how precious and loved your two little ones are! JILL

  4. did you end up taking down your last chain link? Is that what caused them to come? It is like you PREDICTED the extact date. Can't wait to see more pics! Let me know if you need anything! ~alli
