Wow! What a quick two months it has been, Miss Caroline! (Finally get this posted as you are almost 3 months now!!)
Caroline Joy
2 Months
Weight: 12 lbs - 71st %tile
Length: 23 inches - 78th %tile
Head: 15 inches - 50th %tile
At TWO MONTHS you are wearing 0-3 month clothing and in size 1 diapers. You are still my lil' long and skinny peanut!
You still have a lot of your hair - most of it being on the back of your head. It still shows signs of a strawberry blonde coloring. Your hair likes to stick straight up at the top of your head. You have a red spotted birth marking at the base of your hair line at your neck. Your sister and brother had the same thing as babies!
At TWO MONTHS you are very strong! You are very good at working on holding up your head. Your favorite position is sitting up (with some assistance) so you can look out at all of the action.
At TWO MONTHS you are eating on average 4 ounces at each feeding at every 2.5 to 3 hours. At night you will eat your last bottle around 7:30/8ish and you'll sleep and wake up to eat somewhere in the 4 or 5 o'clock hour. After eating you will go right back to sleep until 8:00ish to eat again.
At night we have been swaddling you in the Woombie blanket in the rock n' play in our bedroom. It has been a miracle in helping you become a better sleeper for longer stretches. You need to have your arms swaddled so you don't startle yourself awake when your arms flay about!
At 6/7 weeks I stopped nursing and put you on 100% formula. Ever since then, you've seemed to be a much happier, content baby! You stopped your fussy time in the evening and were much happier in between feeding times. I don't know if the formula had everything to do with it for you, but it for sure helped relieve some stress for me and made me a happier mommy for you. :)
At TWO months you've started to sleep more during the day. You still like to have an occasional 'cat nap' but I know you'll sleep one longer nap in the afternoon around 1/2:00ish lasting 2-3 hours. I put you a lot in the swing during the day to sleep. You like to rock and it helps to put you to sleep and stay asleep when you start to stir.
At TWO months you typically will sleep in between each feeding. You are awake for an hour or so after eating and then you are ready to crash.
At TWO months you still love to be held when you're sleeping. You love to be warm and cozy snuggled right up against us in the nursing position. About 80% of the time you'll wake up when we try and lay you down after you've fallen matter how asleep you may be!
At TWO months you've started smiling and cooing A LOT! We love your little smiles! You are definitely more alert throughout the day and love to watch everything - like your two crazy siblings! It's fun watching you learn new things like finding your hands in your mouth, tracking toys, kicking your legs in the bouncy seat, watching us and cooing back as we talk to you!
At TWO MONTHS you definitely like to have your head turned to your right side when you're playing in the bouncy seat, swinging, and sleeping. Because of that your head has gotten slightly flat on that side. The doctor has recommended to us to work on having your move your neck side to side and purposely making you play, as much as we can, looking to your left, and doing tummy time.
At TWO MONTHS you have become a pretty good car rider. You still like it best when the car is in motion, and it often puts you right to sleep. We've had a few times where you've been very worked up because you were woken up and it was feeding time.
AT TWO months you have started to spit up even more! It doesn't matter how much we burp you throughout the feeding, keep you upright afterwards, or which bottle or formula you have. You still will spit up during, right after, and in between feedings. I feel so bad for you but you don't seem in pain when you do spit up. We have to change your outfits a lot during the day because your shirt will quickly become very wet! (and ours, too!)
At TWO MONTHS the nicknames we've started calling you are: Baby C, C, and Caroliner.
A few of my favorite pictures from the past month:
love those baby blues!
all snug wrapped in the Woombie and sleeping in the rock n' play
catching a smile on camera
of course big brother loves to push you in your stroller
This past month big sister Kate has really loved talking to you and giving you lots of kisses. Miss Katers does love to be right up in your face and talk baby talk to you. You don't seem to mind! She proudly announces, "That's my baby sister!"
Out cold!
lookin' pretty!
love you in your pink flamingo onsie!
You love to take stroller walks and will usually fall asleep from the motion of the walk, the wind, and fresh air.
Your proud big brother who asked to hold you and have your picture taken together!
We love you very much Baby C!
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