Sunday, December 14, 2014

Caroline Joy {5 Months}

Miss Caroline turned 5 months on December 7th.  You're growing so fast sweet, little babe!

AT 5 MONTHS you are in size 2 diapers and are wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothing.

AT 5 MONTHS you have been sleeping in your own room in your crib.  Mommy was sad to have you leave her room but knew it was time to transition you.  Some nights you go down to sleep really well on your own awake while others nights you put up a fight and we have to hold you.  Sometimes I think you would rather sprawl out in your crib instead of being held in our arms.  

AT 5 MONTHS you have been going to bed around 7-8:00 at night.  You will usually have your last bottle at that time and then shortly after get ready for bed.  Since you started sleeping in your crib you usually wake up a few times in the night but are usually soothed back to sleep with your paci.  You wake up in the morning anywhere from 6:30 to 7:30.

AT 5 MONTHS you are eating 5 times a day, about every 3 hours, 5 oz each.  Sometimes at night you are wanting to eat closer to every 2 hours as you get closer to bedtime.  Sometimes we give you 6 oz in either your first morning bottle or you last nighttime one.  We think you could be ready for more 6 oz bottles but you spit-up too much afterwards.  So now you take less more frequently.

AT 5 MONTHS you are getting so good at holding your own bottle during feedings.  A lot of times now we don't really need to hold on to it at all.  You recognize your bottle right away and get very excited and antsy when it becomes in your sight.  

AT 5 MONTHS you still remain constant at not being the best napper.  Like the previous months, you will sleep a long time if you are held for the entire nap.  I'm trying to work on transitioning you to napping in your crib.  You have been falling asleep fairly easy, but don't stay asleep long.  Your naps can range from 30 minutes to a few hours.  You do seem to be a very light sleeper, and wake up easily, which can be hard with two 3-year olds running around during the day.  On the days you a bunch of short naps you get very overtired and that can make for a long, fussy time at night.

AT 5 MONTHS you are awake a lot more during the day.  You are awake for 1.5-2 hours or so between each feeding before falling asleep for your nap.

AT 5 MONTHS you tried your first few spoonfuls of rice cereal.  You weren't a huge fan and a bit unsure of what was in your mouth.  You do like to sit in your highchair so you can see all of the action around you while you play with your toys.  

AT 5 MONTHS you have really started to be a Mommy's girl and notice where Mommy goes.  You don't like it as much when I leave the room and if someone else is holding you the moment you see me you want to keep me in your sight.  

AT 5 MONTHS you are so close at rolling over from your back to your tummy.  You don't mind tummy time as long as it's not too long.  Your favorite spot to play during the day is on a blanket on the floor in a room where everyone is hanging out.  You're so happy cooing away as your put all of your toys in your mouth as you lay there.

* AT 5 MONTHS we have heard some of your baby giggles.  You smile all of the time, but you are pretty choosy when you let out your giggles.  You like playing peek-a-boo with mommy and your brother and sister.  That's how we first got you too really laugh for us.

AT 5 MONTHS some of your favorites are:
* watching and being close to your bother and sister
* having a blanket to hold onto while you sleep or need to be soothed
* playing peek-a-boo
* being sung to
* the 'oceans sound' on your sound machine
* making the 'buzzing' sound with your lips
* grabbing for anything that comes in your reach so you can put it in your mouth
* sleeping in the car
* being around people especially Kate and Matthew
* seeing your reflection in the mirror

Some first you've had at 5 MONTHS:
* you celebrated your first Thanksgiving
* playing in the exersaucer and loving it!
* trying rice cereal

* Your nicknames are: Liney, Liney-bear, Liner, Baby C, Freight-liner, Caroliners, Liney-biney, Cheeks

"All done with the photo shoot, Mommy.  Got to put this sticker in my mouth."

You continue to be a very happy, easy going baby.  Your smiles are the sweetest!  You're big brother and sister love to help take care of you and make you smile.  It's fun to see the love they have for you!
Happy 5 Months Baby Girl!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Fall Kindermusik

Back in September Kate and Matthew have been attending Kindermusik class every Monday evening.  They have had a blast this semester learning all about music, playing musical instruments, singing, and running and dancing all around to the music.  Kate especially.  She LOVES to sing and dance!  And she was EXCITED for every class!

Last Monday was our last class of the fall semester.  Even Grandma Joyce got to go with all of us!  Their teacher had a lesson packed full of all of the fun, favorite activities from the semester for the kids to do. 

We look forward to attending another class in the future!!!