The four of us were back in Iowa with our families over Labor Day weekend. We arrived Thursday afternoon because Kevin's work, PwC, was doing a night golf recruiting event at UNI. Coming back early allowed us to have a nice, not rushed weekend to see our family. Friday, Kevin and I spent relaxing with the kids - getting some naps in - and hanging out with his grandma and grandpa Bernhardt. That night we went to my parent's house to see my sister and family.
Allie, Matthew, and Aunt Kelly
Allie got to help feeding Kate with Grandma's help. She loves helping out with the babies. She says Kate is her baby and Matthew is Andrew's (her brother). It melts my heart when she gives Matt and Kate kisses.
The weekend also involved some storms. Friday night we ended up getting a windy thunderstorm which knocked down many tree limbs around town. Kevin's parents' house had a limb get knocked down in their backyard that luckily missed the house. Their street seemed to get hit the worst. So Saturday morning many people from around the town were helping their neighbors clean up tree limbs from yards. Makes you appreciate being in a small town! Saturday afternoon I also got a chance to visit my good friend, Annie (we've been friends since high school). She had just had a baby baby, Gavin, on August 19th. I had fun catching up with her and meeting Mr. Gavin.
Then on Sunday we went to my cousin Jordan and Tonya's wedding. Kevin and I were able to take the twins for the big Dufel family picture and then to a little bit of the reception. I wanted some of my extended relatives to meet Kate and Matt. Grandma and Grandpa Willms babysat the twins for us during the wedding and then came and got them at the reception for us. You were great babysitters and we appreciate you running around picking up the kids, dropping them back off to us, and then picking them up again to head home. A lot of running around for you - so thanks so much!! Plus, I think Matt and Kate liked hanging out with grandma and grandpa! The wedding was filled with great family, a wonderful couple, beautiful weather, and a fun time! My sister got this wonderful idea after the dance that we as a family should all go to V.I. (Village Inn) for breakfast. Bad idea...but still fun. My 3 year old niece and 9 year old nephew were falling asleep at the table along with all of the adults, too. I guess we are a group of old farts who were up way past our bedtime. Here are some pictures from the wedding.

The Larry Dufel Family
The Willms Four
Matty and Mommy
Miss Kate will Daddy
My sister and her family
My parents looking sharp!
Katers and Mommy
Grandma and Grandpa Dufel with all 6 grand kids. The first picture with all of the grand kids.
Funny picture time! In order to get the "nice smiles picture" we had to make a deal to this crazy face picture.
Grandpa and his buddy.
Love Matt's jean shorts - they look like pants on his short legs. Such handsome boys!
Grandma and Allie B's
Great Aunt Sharon and Kate
My dad (Left) and his brothers - Donald and Garry (my dad's twin)
The beautiful bride and groom - Mr. and Mrs. Gaffney
My uncle Tom and his grand-daughter, Ashlyn
Dad and my sister Kelly
My sister-in-law, Melissa and me
Nephew Evan and my brother Michael
The Dufel Four
Also over Labor Day weekend, Kevin and I were able to get away for a night together. We took off on Monday and went to Dubuque, IA and Galena, IL. My mom and great grandma Ilene volunteered to watch the twins for us on Tuesday so we could have a night away. My first night away in the 6 months!! I definitely enjoyed my full night of sleep and sleeping in! While in Dubuque we went to the Mississippi River Museum. Then that night we headed to Galena and had supper, walked around, and spent the night. The next morning we headed off to the shops in historic Galena, had lunch, did some scenic driving, and then headed back home. It was a quick trip, but a trip well worth it. We were glad we could get some time for just the two of us.
We ended up staying until September 7th - Great Grandpa Jim's birthday, but I'll save those pictures for the next post.